Per Executive Order, shopping at the market 1 person per household means just that. 1 person per household at a time. No groups permitted. This season farmers markets are transitioning from community gathering spaces to in and out markets. We welcome you to shop but even 2 person groups are not permitted.
Gov. Andy Beshear issued an executive order on April 8 to help slow the spread of the novel coronavirus in the state. Beshear said as essential businesses remain open, such as grocery and drug stores, only one person per household should be visiting them at at time. For example, that would mean spouses should not be shopping together. On how this will be enforced, Beshear asked the businesses to use good judgement.
This is not a family event due to COVID-19 and we discourage you from bringing children to the market at this time. There are some exceptions. If an adult needs to go shopping but there is someone dependent on them, such as a young child or someone with disabilities, that can’t rely on someone else, they may accompany.
We hope to return to regular operations soon.
Read a news story about what it means here.